Toyota Prius Models 2001 through 2003, Hybrid Battery, Re-manufactured, with 2-Year/ 30,000 Mile Warranty- whichever comes first.
This Hybrid Battery has approximately 85% capacity, compared to a new one.
$100.00 Installation Fee, and 9.25% Sales Tax are Additional.
***Core exchange is required for this price***
At Hybrid Battery Place, High Quality Re-manufactured Batteries and Service, are our top priorities.
Every cell is tested both on the bench, and on a vehicle to ensure its remaining longevity. All components of the battery pack are thoroughly inspected, cleaned, and replaced when necessary.
Please call 714-728-9393 for availability and our specials.
Prius 2001 - 2003, Hybrid Battery, 2-Year/ 30,000 Warranty